Wake Up Carolina

My Wake Up Carolina poster was lyrics from the song “Drugs” by Eden on top of a picture I took of a water tower next to my school.  I chose the water tower because it felt like the water tower was more of a billboard projecting the message to everything in sight.  Also water symbolizes a sort of purity that can cleanse someone and what better way to wash away someone’s guilt of being addicted to drugs than washing it away with a whole tower of water.  Secondly, I chose the song “Drugs” because the lyrics tell a story of how addiction can completely change someone and make them incomparable to who they were.  Now obviously I didn’t expect every passer-by to read the whole song so, apart from cutting out sections of the song, I emphasized certain lyrics by increasing font size.  Once I did that, it didn’t seem like enough but I didn’t know how else to emphasize certain words without making the others harder to read, so that’s exactly what I did.  I cut the shape of the text out of the photo, which made the text “invisible”.  I then burned all the text making it all stand out but I burnt some text more than others.  When resized and burnt, the text stuck out a lot more naturally than just resizing.

Senior Mastery

For my senior mastery I’ve been fully forming ideas and fleshing them out.  I have tested new mechanics and other ideas that consequently create big changes from the beginning idea.

Spirit Week

For spirit week I donated my Jeep to be decorated by DC.  I also brought in a whole trash bag full of decorations and cords to decorate and power my car.  When it came down to decorating, I had a very basic plan, I wanted to leave some room for intuition and I wasn’t let down.  The juniors and seniors all pitched in with ideas and we worked together very well to create, what I think without bias, one of the best trunks there that night, and with bias, the best trunk and piece of intuition there that night.

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