Learn from Blizzard

Compassion in AAST I believe AAST has a smorgasbord of compassion.  As always, some people will downgrade others or pick on others for their differences, thus including races and ethnic backgrounds, but what AAST should focus on isn’t discouraging those people.  Campaigning against something is just like shining a spotlight on it hoping that it […]

Wake Up Carolina 11/3

Wake Up Carolina My Wake Up Carolina poster was lyrics from the song “Drugs” by Eden on top of a picture I took of a water tower next to my school.  I chose the water tower because it felt like the water tower was more of a billboard projecting the message to everything in sight.  […]


Micrography I finished my micrography today.  I was going to do an artist named Eden and use his songs as the words to draw him out in but he isn’t that popular and there aren’t any good photos of him to create a micrographic piece out of.  I ended up going with the Vault Boy […]


1. Reflect on the tour and information you learned at USC if you were on the trip. 2. Reflect on the State Fair Art Show, and the State Fair in general if you were able to attend. 3. Reflect on everything you worked on this week for your senior mastery. USC During the tour I […]

Catching Up

Senior Mastery This week was a slow week for visible progress on the senior mastery.  Most of the time spent on the senior mastery was invested in fleshing out ideas that both Henry and I liked, discarding ones we didn’t like, discarding some we even liked but knew would not work, and just getting on […]

Senior Mastery and Door Design

1. Reflect on everything you worked on this week for your senior mastery. 2. Reflect ton your first two Annotated bibs entries. 3. What ideas have you come up with so far for decorating the door for Breast Cancer Awareness? Senior Mastery I drew new ideas for the project and began fleshing them out with Henry. […]

Descriptive Design

South Carolina Human Affairs Commission I started my design by reading the Q&A on google classroom an looking at other state programs and their logos.  Due to my perfunctory behavior I ended up dedicating my first few paper sketches towards “End Racism Day” and not South Carolina Human Affairs Commission.  Once I realized my mistake […]


Senior Mastery This week I worked on some 3D modeling in blender.  I made a 3D model of a character stand that I plan on 3D printing in order to see if I can create models with connectable parts.  I am having a tough time learning blender normally so I decided to incorporate mathematics and […]

New Year, New Routine

Being a senior is a shock.  I feel like an unprepared goldfish that was thrown into a pond and is going into shock.  The only difference between the goldfish and me is that it’s my fault.  I can’t seem to find a flow that works for me this year.  Finding the balance between my major […]

DC Rewind

I’m not that good at wrapping things up.  There’s either too many ways to do it or none that are good enough.  I’ll have a terrible time doing my senior mastery.  It honestly doesn’t feel like the end.  Henry and I have already planned our senior mastery project and will be learning and researching over […]