

I started out my personal experience with Illustrator with a Batman logo tutorial. After reading through it, I was most intrigued by the gradients and how they drastically changed the look in one simple step.


I used the first day of being able to work on something of my own to design a logo for my online accounts.  After creating the base, black and white, logo I moved onto gradients.  I looked up tutorials on how to give a metallic affect to a work and applied my newfound knowledge of Illustrator to a clone of my logo. I made many clones and played around with many affects. Eventually leading to the creation of a diverse set of logos.

largerJ4Tfirelogos <—- Fire logos


After finally letting go of the first design I moved on to creating a second logo.  I wanted this one to be different, to have more complexity in every little detail of its design.  While currently unfinished and will most likely remain that way since I have thought up a better design, the design below includes multiple features of realism, such as: Glow, reflections, shadows, a wave in the metallic glare, and a glare from an unseen light source that can be seen on the ball.

J4TFrost-logo<—- Frost logo


For my next design of the Frost logo I hope to incorporate a more polygonal ice affect and actually include the rest of the letters in the word “Frost”.  I hope to be able to do this without looking at tutorials and only at other images of the same style so I will be able to learn things on my own that will stick with me longer.

Dell Venue

For Digital Communications I can use my venue to finish blogs at home.  If I ever want to focus on something else in class but I need to finish a blog I can always use my Dell.  In addition to blogs, I can use my Venue to gather inspiration from Pinterest, or the internet in general, for new designs or additional pizzazz.  Lastly, I can use my  Venue to look up tutorials and draw ideas in MS Paint from home since I do not have a computer at home.




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