
I looked up tutorials on how to edit text in Illustrator and took time making quick-unsaved low-quality works.  Once I felt comfortable with my novice skills I proceeded to take a quote from a song I wrote and make a design for it.  I made the left side of the heart first using only the pencil tool and its sub-tools.  After several minutes of nit-picking the half heart, I reflected it to form a whole heart.  I placed multiple shapes in the heart and used the “Envelope distort” tool to morph each word into the heart.


I could not get the word “LOVE” to distort the way I had laid out in my original sketch so I typed it out in the font I was using and created each letter from scratch with multiple shapes trying to mimic the font.  For only spending about a little under an hour on this, I am happy, but not content, with my skills so far.


I put my state fair photo submission into photoshop on Monday to do a few touch ups.  I made the plastic on the light a little more clear and gave the plant look less fake.  I opened it up later in the week to fix a few mistakes I realized I made after watching tutorials and learning from other classmates mistakes.  I redid the plastic in a more cautiously precise way, took out a stem from the plant that gave the photo an awkward look, and increased the brightness of everything in the photo except the light after printing it and barely being able to see the photo.



First edit


Second edit


Final product


State Fair

I am not disappointed by my State Fair entry but I do not expect much from it.  I feel like the photo is original, being a nighttime floral photography photo and all, but other than shining my phone’s flashlight at a wall for a soft-surrounding white light and messing with the camera settings, I feel like I could’ve taken a better photo somewhere else than of solar light and flower by a fake little pond in my backyard.

Color Wheel Project

For this project I think I’ll take a risk and rely on my artistic abilities to create the idea I have in my head.  I want to draw a simplistic flower in color with a white outline of a nose next to it all on top of a white background.


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